Monday, October 12, 2009

J Crew and Levi's

I don't know what Levi's was thinking.  But I guess if the price is right, one can sell his mother.  That's what I feel about the transaction between J Crew and Levi's.  Allegedly Levi's sold its LVC, or Levi's Vintage Clothing (Collection?) to J. Crew.  If you were to do a relevant search on Google you probably can find traces of this relationship.  I don't know it's made public or if it's even true but that's what I have gathered from my source.  The collection typically sells for $200 for a vintage 501 replica and I guess J. Crew would probably jack it up maybe 25% more why 25% because that's what Google cache is telling me.

UPDATE 2 seconds after the above and some Google result reading:
The above was indeed old news.  I found reports on that in August.  So it's a done deal.  My post trying to be a fashionista fails. Miserably.  I guess the LVC is not offered online.


  1. My post trying to be a fashionista fails. -> totally NOT!
    in fact, when i first read your post about H&M x whoever-that-was-at-time, i was really impressed! :D

    did you go to see the uniqlo +j line?

  2. Really?

    Tell you what. I actually bought a few items from the +j collection. But I got there a week after its debut so I don't think I got the coolest and hottest. But to my surprise, I was "lucky" enough to find the one and only one men's blazer left there and it was my size. So I took it.

  3. :D yes, that one was really cool!

    wow, they're gone pretty quick, huh? guess i won't be able to get anything from the +j line then.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....