Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Breaking: Cho sent out Multimedia Press Release Before Virginia Tech Massacre

Cho produced and sent out a multimedia press release to NBC in the 2 hours between his first shooting and the later mass murder and suicide on April 16, four days before Columbine.

Warnings: material may be upsetting and disturbing. You have been warned.

Source: NBC

Cho's plays Mr. Brownstone and Richard McBeef

Cho's "Oldboy" look. Here's the movie as from

(4/20/07) Dead man finally done talking, almost. After having milked dry Cho's message-from-the grave for a whole day, most if not all network TVs and cable outlets pulled the disturbing pictures and video from the air and their website's front page. This was really a test of freedom of press, the public's right to know and sensitivity to the victims' families and the larger question, what do those still images and video serve in the aftermath of all these?

(4/21/07) We had everything backward. Now the media, The New York Times included is calling the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho, instead of Cho Seung-Hui. The Cho family adopted the American way of writing given name then followed by surname instead of surname followed by given name as in their native country and most Asian countries.
Now perhaps we could understand why some Asian immigrant kids are like so confused. Is it last name first or last name last, is my two syllable given names hyphenated or not, or do I even have a middle name as opposed to a hyphenated given name?


  1. It's a terrible case. His Glock 19 is a terrible weapon

  2. hope that Professor Vinci or Professor Sweet can read the above comment, I think the Blog Master will delete my comment soon, for my money making on those victims. I knew that an old Jewish Professor was killed. How come a 76 year old man can teach. I don't want to teach in my 76.

  3. Your link here would have zero effect. Because the readership of this blog is close to zero.

  4. I've only managed to see the slide show but not the video in my office.

    It's reminiscent of the homemade videoclips of our trigger-happy buddy wielding and firing his automatic assault rifles into the air indiscriminately in his office.

  5. errrrrrrrr. I hate to say that, but you were right. The only difference is our friend did that jokingly while Cho did that dead serious.

    By some account like those on the he "maybe" on prescription drugs. So the whole anti depressant thing may lead to homicidal and suicidal thoughts and behavior may surface again. Now the latest seems to be they can't find any prescription drugs.

    Cho was really really cold blooded. He had absolutely no empathy whatsoever. It's just unbelievable.

  6. then, see my bloody video again, make your pant wet, do you really think that I am joking ??

  7. The thing that amazes me most is that a mental patient (Cho was institutionalised in a mental institution for a short period of time) was able to buy guns and ammo (500 rounds) so easily in Virginia.

    Have you guys seen Bowling for Columbine? I think it's worth watching if you can get hold of a copy.

    I remember Virginia is one of the states in the US where one can buy guns in a most convenient way. One bank put up an ad that said come and open an account with us and we'll give you a rifle of your choice for free. Guns there are like credit card gifts in HK.

    I think the politicians in the US should give that some thoughts.

  8. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I forget the words. Yes, the Americans believe in their right to bear arms. It went back to their wars with the Indians and the War of Independence.


  9. America is a gun crazy society.

    The right to keep and bear arms is written in the Second Amendment of The US Constitution. It's a big deal.

  10. Sid,
    I did see Bowling for Columbine (2002). The cultural landscape regarding guns is so different from the rest of the world.

    As to your argument that if there was other people who are armed as well, the tragedy might have been prevented or alleviated some what. There lies the insanity I think. I guess that would set us back 100 years or so. So we settle anything by shooting each other, like in the wild wild West? It doesn't sound right.

  11. No, you settle the disputes by voting, count the heads or chop the heads, you have the right to choose your own leader or your own government that for or against the policy, that's your choice. I remembered Al Glore against the armed rule, then he lost.

  12. I don't remember myself saying to you guys that everybody else ought to arm themselves to guard against shooters like Cho. But I think you've got some kind of telepathy, buddy, because I did think of something like that and I actually discussed that with Pam.

    The more salient problem would be, I would've imagined, if the federal or state government were to begin to disarm everybody, but the bad guys and the underworld would still be able to harbour arms and ammo in secret hideouts or weapon caches, then ordinary Americans may be more at risk than they are now.

    Let me give you an example. Not so long ago in NYC a gunman was able to chase and gunned down two unarmed auxiliary policemen outside a pizza restaurant after killing a waiter of the restaurant and that's captured on video by a surveilance camera nearby. I couldn't bear to see it.

  13. I think the US citizens have argued on this issues for over 200 years and their conclusion or the majority believed that they should keep armed policy. Then they should bear the consequences. Remember the Jewish Professor was not murdered by the Nazi, but killed in US, the land of hope and liberty, by Cho

  14. Sid, yes, you did talk about that.

    Back to wp2006, gun control I believe for the most part is on the state level. So picking the US President may not have much of an effect. That said I think on the federal level, there is some gun control. Well what the fuck do I know? I am too lazy to do a search now. New York has some tough gun control I read.

    Virginia I think has one of the most permissive gun control law.

    The aux cops don't carry firearm, they don't even wear bullet proof but that's going to change because of the incident you mentioned. That gunman was again a deranged man, he's a freaking psycho....

  15. 昨天睇完趙承熙的兩個劇本, 本來好地地寫文章, 透過「創作」宣洩下對世界既不滿咪幾好, 點知搞到咁。

    唔知美國傳媒有冇報導過香港最近的一宗警察殺警察事件? 呢單新聞在香港都好震撼! 仲請左一位美國犯罪心理學家黎出席死因庭。

  16. Sorry , 唔係「最近」, 都成一年前。

  17. 我想美国的传媒对香港不会产生太大兴趣,除非有几十万人走上街抗议和要求民主。



  18. Charcoal4, the web woman killer (not literally)...

    I read about the Hong Kong cop killer case mainly via But I don't think there was any coverage over in the States, probably not news worthy enough for general consumption here. I don't know. America media only interested in Hong Kong movies....just kidding, or not.

    Cho wrote some plays that are violent and full of profanity as if they were any indication of his perverted extreme violence at all. Like you mentioned before (I think?) Tarantino and Rodriguez (Grindhouse, 2007) probably have written more violent and more profanity laden stuff (though sometimes they are almost over the top so much so as cartoonish). Yet that and that alone does not make one a psychopath. You probably need to take a holistic view, add everything up to make a decision, sometimes, you see it you know it, and yet sometimes, you don't that's why we have FBI profiler and other pundits ....

    Hopefully, after 33 deaths, America can learn something positive from this.

  19. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Americans are not interested in anything outside their little suburb, their little town, their city or their state. Most of them don't even have a passport. 40 millions of them have a gun though. Rob doesn't have a legal weapon, but he has a passport.


  20. I remember Professor Black owned some high quality knives, in a full set of different sizes for different usage, hope that he only use them for his cookery hobby

  21. They are strictly for cooking. I love my knives. They are Wushtof Classic. I only have a few of them.

    I don't own any firearms legal or illegal. Yes, I got my passport.

  22. if your hobby is to buy or collect those high quality knives, then make me scare

  23. Vincent:
    I have a concealed weapon in between my legs which also doubles as home entertainment unit. My concealed weapon doesn't kill but procreates.

    my knives are for making dishes. I wish I could collect them but no, I don't they are too expensive.

  24. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Good for you! These days, People go for extremes. For some perverted types, their weapons are barely concealed while some have theirs barely used.



Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....