Thursday, April 12, 2007

$75 Socks

Mr. Tom Ford in a Tom Ford, a 3-piece suit, very anal retentive and very fitted look. Picture by Terry Richardson from the NYTIMES.COM

Tom Ford opened his "uberluxury" store on Madison Ave, where shoppers who are (a) oblivious to credit card debt, (b) rich, and above all, (c) gullible can shop for $75 a pair of socks and $5,000 bespoke suits. The economy can't be all that bad if you can see a store of this caliber blossoming in the Spring on Madison Avenue.

Money Does Buy Looks, Eric Wilson, April 12, 2007, The New York Times.


  1. spend more, Professor Black, buy whatever that you want

  2. wp, you are getting so predictable.

  3. I'm getting very predictable too, buddies. I've always wanted a laptop for myself and the kids. And I've bought one, at long last.

    I've decided to go by your motto, Chung. If I can afford it comfortably, go for it.

  4. I would like to help you to spend your money, share your happiness with me, you will be more happy too

  5. I don't even remember I have that motto.

    Anyway, what Dell model did you buy? Did you get those ubersexyportable or did you get those that look like a brick or something? Is it loaded with Vista? Guess so.

    I suspect you have to pay for the WiFi at Starbucks, right? Here Starbucks use T-Mobile as their carrier. But I don't care as I don't use my laptop outside the perimeter of my house.

  6. last night when I traveled by a taxi, I found a USB for notebook, I chatted with the driver about his "Smartone Boardband Connection", he told me there's only 100 cabs in HK with such connection, he told me it's fixed by "Smartone"

  7. You said that to Vince when he wrote about always wanting to buy a BMW but he resisted that temptation.

    To say that it's your motto was perhaps an over-statement, I've got to admit.

  8. money can buy you look but not taste~

    $75 for a pair of socks~ I curious what are they made of! hehe.

  9. Google only says hand-woven, I guess they can be cotton, silk or even cashmere. The socks are the cheapest item you can get there. So if one can't afford the off the rack $3,200 suits or the $5,000 bespoke suits, they can at least get the cheapest item in the store, $75 socks. It's like if you can't afford a Chanel suit, get the perfume or something.

    Taste is too abstract, look is good enough for the most part.

  10. Anonymous2:10 AM

    BMWs are for the environmental sinners. I just took delivery of my brand-new Prius this morning. It felt great! Sidney, with your new Dell, does that mean you will be on line more often? I heard from informal sources that Rumsfeld is still interested in what you think about Iraq. So does Wolfowitz.


  11. I don't know anything about cars. I read those hybrid cars are really quiet, sometimes, you just can't tell if the engine is running or just idling. I guess you may have some getting used to do.

    According to some readings I did, plenty of Japanese cars are now more reliable than BMW. You really pay a premium for the brand not so much for quality and to broadcast to the world you can afford to pay $50,000 more for a similarly equiped Japanese model or someone just bought one to satisfy his childhood dream. I think in the 80s and early 90s, BMW is the ultimate yuppie or scum sucking yuppie driving machine.

  12. vincent, you would rather spend your money in Tibet rather than a BMW, Tibet is certainly not my cup of tea

  13. Guys, I'm almost embarrassed by my comments on and predictions for Iraq.

    My wishful thinking has happened to be more in line with what the Democrats, or I venture to say, most Americans want. But it's far off the mark from what the current Administration still hope to achieve in Iraq.

    George W Bush is a hard nut to crack. The ramifications of the current tug-of-war between Capitol Hill and the White house are still unfolding.

    That said, if Bush doesn't want to listen to the considered opinions of those political and legal heavyweights on the Iraq Study Group, the end of the war in Iraq is nowhere in sight.

  14. Do you believe that GW Bush didn't forsee what happen ? or he want to withdraw but the big boss behind him, or the war merchants didn't let him withdraw, or he want to kick the ball to Hillary Clinton ? enough bull shit

  15. Japanese automobiles are superb, both in design and quality. Why pay a ludicrous premium for the German breed that is not as good, especially in air-con technology?

  16. To me, most cars are the same, they bring you from point A to point B. It's pointless for me to talk about car, but then again, it's my blog.
    Some people just think European cars are just better. And German engineering is head and shoulder above the rest. A friend of mine likes BMW so what do I know about driving experience.

  17. I do because I own a German supermini, built in Spain though, which I think is very reliable and constructed with traditional German down-to-earth mechanical technology (but the HK-built air-con sucked).

    Perhaps you can think of it this way rather than from the Point A-to-Point B perspective. Remember the way we travelled by bus when we were small 40 years ago and contrast that with air-con HK buses nowadays. You'll see a world of difference in your travelling experience although you're not driving the bus so I can't call that your driving experience.

    I also travelled in a Mercedes E-Class about two years ago occupying the front passenger seat. What a pleasurable riding experience it was!

    Yesterday evening, I sized up a brand-new Lexus L460 limo at a swimming pool carpark. It's an exceedingly luxurious and beautiful car, the Japanese are great car builders.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....