Monday, June 16, 2008

What Harry Had Told Me Recently

Small Moments ...

When I shook my butt in front of him, Harry, "Dad, you are so immature."

When I made up story about his girl friends at school, Harry, "Dad, you lost the privilege to talk."


  1. "you lost the privilege to talk" Wow, that is *deep* coming from a 6 year old.

  2. I bet this was exactly what his teacher told him, verbatim.

  3. My 12 year old boy told me frankly in Cantonese, "You're on9", he learnt it in school

  4. For once he's right.

    But come on man, I told you before. You got to draw the line right there. HE CAN'T TALK TO YOU LIKE THAT, PERIOD. OKAY?

    You are above all things, his Dad. It's your job to give him guidance what's right or wrong, what's appropriate.

  5. it's no way, he learnt all those bad attitudes from his mum, actually he learnt from his mum, the exact wording in Cantonese was "Why are you so On9 ?"


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....