Friday, June 20, 2008

A Day To Remember

The Family

Who let the dog out?

Best Friends Forever

Alex, introducing the PTA Speaker

Pledge of Allegiance

Entering the ceremony

The technical details nobody really cares:
Nikon D70, Nikon 18~70 f3.5~4.5G, Nikon 80~200 f2.8
Processed using Gimp and UFRaw, from NEF to JPEG.
Even I brought my tripod, but most of the shots were taken hand-held using the best technique I know. Alas, shooting at f2.8 and at 200mm focal length and a shutter speed hovering around 1/30 or more is a sure recipe for shaky pictures. But seriously I think I got pretty steady shots still, the 5th one was hand-held at 1/39 sec, f3.5 according to the EXIF data. Since I don't have VR, I got to be steady. The forth one is also hand-held. Gee, I think I take pretty good pictures, I deserve a D700 or D3, or a 5D with all the professional lenses. Or I will buy a Yashica TLR. Actually I brought and used my trusty Nikon FE with MD-12 mounted, and loaded it with some TMAX ISO 400 B/W film. Guess I will have to wait to see what develops. I have no doubt they will turn out to be masterpieces (delusion of grandeur. if i don't like myself who will, eh?).


  1. Wow, your Levi 501 (?) in good look, handsome man, I envy you so much, where's your Ray-Ban Aviator ?

  2. Oh well done to Alex, you must be very proud parents :)

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    We're using the same camera Nikon D70 on the same kind of event. I didn't use tripod either. My husband used his professional talents to catch the event too. Congratulations!

  4. wp2007,
    You are just as crazy as usual.

    Yes, one of my proud moments. This September he is going to a new school so I can foresee some trouble ahead.

    I secretly hope that my D70 would break down, but it just keeps on chugging along. I brought my somewhat industrial strength tripod but I only used it towards the last 15 or 20 frames. Congratulations to you and Bun too and your husband too.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....