Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tomato Salmonella

Even before Summer officially arrives, we have our first food scare already. Last summer was spinach, this summer it is tomato. McDonald's is pulling their tomato off their menu. No tomatoes for you.

The FDA issued a consumer warning for tomato salmonella contamination.

I am glad I have the foresight to plant my own tomatoes in the backyard. Well, not really, just saying.


  1. How could one get salmonella from tomatoes???? Tomatoes are meant to be eaten raw, no? Unless some crazed US agrichemical firm inject salmonella into plants as some kind of growth hormone? Salmonella contamination from raw meat next to tomatoes I can understand, but that's to do with food storage and not with the poor tomatoes per se.

  2. This is now classified under American Unsolved Mystery. Actually that's always the case. It's like who knows?

    I just ate some raw tomatoes today from a Subway sandwich. Man I should have asked for more since nobody is wanting them. Ooops, I am feeling funny now, got to go...

  3. I think some naughty biochemists have tampered with the DNA of tomatoes. Yes, they're GM food. Snowdrops has solved the mystery the way Nancy Drew busting a heinous crime.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....