Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bye Bye Hong Kong and Taiwan

Here is me waiting for my flight back to the Big Apple. Just came back from the smoking room fetching a can of Coca-Cola. I entered the smoking room twice, once thinking that it would take paper money, wrong, the next time with two $5 coins. A can of Coca-Cola costs $10 here. I don't know why the vending machine is hiding inside a hideous smoking room near gate 43. Now I guess I smell like a Marlboro man. The scary picture was taken with the MSI netbook webcam. For a while I thought I was out of camera as my SD880 is still in Taiwan in the capable hands of my wife.

I would like to thank everybody who have made this trip a great success. You know who you are.


  1. you look like a drug addict

  2. exile from hk7:57 PM

    Ate anything yummy in HK?

  3. I guess I look great in a drug addict kind of way. Though a fat addict.

    Oh Boy, I don't think I seek out any particular eateries when I was there. I had dinners with my old friends and families. I will see if I can find any blog worthy pictures.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....