Friday, October 17, 2008

Random Thoughts

The days of reading Power Rangers and Captain Underpants are over. I am a bit ambivalent to that. On the one hand, I am happy that I don't have to read them any story books, so I can spend even more time in front of the computer MYSELF, on the other hand, I do miss the time I read those books to my kids especially the part when I make up the stories just so I can annoy them. I am an evil dad. Sometimes I wish I could be a better person, just a bit better. One evening, Harry was reading Captain Underpants to me. The story was juvenile, it's definitely interesting, at least it's easily comprehensible than say economic policy, health plans, and whatever.


  1. You are already good. No need to hope for something better. Just be yourself and be happy. Hoping to get a better camera torn me apart. On the one hand I am hoping for something better. On the other hand, I want to save the $ for my retirement.

  2. Ha ha. You can't save money for retirement. You have to invest for retirement or make $ for retirement, seriously. Maybe it's just the right time to invest now that everything is cheap....

    I am wanting to buy a Mamiya Universal system, ha ha.

  3. You have to save before you could invest. Now is not really the time, may be somewhere in the middle of next year, I suppose.

  4. If you make up stories to tell your kids during story-telling time, that's not being evil at all (the same cannot be said of making up stories at other times of course). You're showing them how to be creative by taking riffs off an existing storyline. That would stop your kids from turning doctrinaire when it comes to enjoying literature and so you're doing them a world of good by your story-making :)


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....