Thursday, October 02, 2008

Entertainment Tonight

Vice presidential debate at 9PM Eastern Time. Ha ha.

Wow. Not that I am going to change my vote or anything, but Palin did redeem herself in this debate. She was relaxed, cheerful, humorous and not look like a joke SNL made her to be or she made herself to be in earlier interviews with both Charles Gibson and later Katie Couric. SNL might have some problem coming up with fresh material from this debate if they were going to lampoon her this weekend. Joe Biden was up to expectation I guess. Did he get choked up when he was talking his own difficulties raising his two boys?


  1. Last Fri, male bankers said women have an additional gifts than men in work places, even same : ability, IQ, hardworking, good looking ,... same positive attitidue...... Guess what ?

  2. Usually the standard answer is "your butt."

    Anyway, I really have no idea.

  3. One famous Zen Story : 一堆牛糞
      蘇東坡和佛印禪師是好朋友,他們常常一起談論佛法。 有一天,蘇東坡突然心血來潮問佛印禪師﹕「你看我坐的樣子,像什麼?」 佛印禪師笑著回答﹕「很莊嚴,像一尊佛!」 蘇東坡聽了很高興。 佛印禪師也問蘇東坡﹕「大學士,那你認為我坐的樣子,像什麼?」 蘇東坡戲謔的說﹕「像一堆牛糞。」 佛印禪師聽了,高興的點點頭。 蘇東坡心想,禪師被自己喻為牛糞無以為答,這次總算贏了禪師 。於是回家後,很得意的告訴蘇小妹﹕「今天我贏了。」然後把和禪師的對話,一五一十的說給蘇小妹聽。 聽完蘇東坡的敘述,蘇小妹說﹕「哥哥,你輸了,而且輸得很慘!禪師的心像佛,所以他看你像佛﹔而你的心像牛糞,所以你看禪師像牛糞。」 禪是一種悟性與靈慧,而不是巧辯,更不是以銳利的言詞去估上風。

  4. ak:

    Zen stories are too enigmatic and I can never understand them.

    So what is the what in Guess what?

    What happened to the Bird's Nest and Water cube pictures you said you were going send to me, ha? ha? ha? Or you were just saying like you didn't mean it?

  5. I feel u'r not interested in those photos at that moment, so forget it already.

    Ha ha ha !!!
    Do you really want the photos ? or just saying ???
    like yr question to me !!!

    For the answer of Guess, I'm searching any presentation which can explain in a more interesting way. For example, cartoons fr Tsai Chi Chung series.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....