Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowpocalyse Aftermath

I know all my readers are dying to know if I survive the first snowstorm of 2010. Seeing my post here pretty much answered your question. Sorry to disappoint you I managed to live through this horrid storm. The truth of the matter is if you don't need to go out it's all fine. If you needed to go out and get in touch with other New Yorkers like on the roadways or subways, then it's an entirely different matter.

Today I needed to get back to the routine. The snow got plowed to our side of the street so basically we were snowed in by the snow plower. But lucky me, I got this super powered snow thrower. I brought this sleepy machine to life by gushing it with gasoline and motor oil and it's alive. It roared through the snow with gusto, chewed up the packed snow and spit it out to the side of my neighbor all done in no time, just like me eating roast pork and duck over rice. I was able to pull out my Odyssey the best car ever built (for people who can't afford German or other fancy things in life) except it doesn't have the Toyota's unstoppable gas pedal. Oh well, you can't have everything, Can you? The side streets were so so but major roadways were very drivable. So I say the sanitation department actually did a very good job. I salute you guys.

And you know what (not your butt)? Even the Fashion Week is on schedule in Bryant Park. All the beautifully emaciated people are congregating there so if you are not beautiful don't even go near the place, you will feel even more fatter and uglier than usual. I am not going near that place except when I feel like to take some pictures for the sole enjoyment of my readers.

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Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....