Sunday, January 10, 2010

Goddess of Liberty Arrested

Christina Chan, political activist (some calls opportunist), celebrity, and my Goddess of Liberty of Free Tibet fame is gaining more street cred, thanks to the Hong Kong police.  The pint-sized fameball was arrested by the Hong Kong police for, get this, allegedly assaulting police officers during two protests in November last year and this New Year.  The police did not file any formal charges against Chan, she was questioned for hours and greatly inconvenienced if not deprived of her rights in the custody of the police--not freely receive and make phone calls and using the bathroom in her privacy. She was let go after posting HKD500 bail.

If this is not politically motivated I don't know what it is.  She was arrested and yet no charges were filed--because there simply wasn't evidence for the alleged crime, so the arrest was just harassment simple as that.

And no, you don't even need to like Chan to feel outraged.


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The reason why she was not charged yet was because the degree of 'injury' suffered by the policewomen was still being assessed.


  2. I don't know what kind of medical examiner you have in HK, it freaking takes months to assess and determine injury sustained? They didn't nap her at the scene, forgetting to arrest her not once but twice on the scene?

    Look, if pint-sized fameball Christina Chan can so much as to assault some cop and so much so that she inflicted bodily harm then I question the cops didn't have sufficient training or weren't doing their jobs or simply unfit for their jobs.

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM



  4. Anonymous11:08 AM



  5. Anonymous11:35 AM

    If properly launched, her 33-24-34 body could still cause some damage in the streets of hk.


  6. 路人乙: Yeah she is wanted and desired, not just by the cops ...

    路人丙: Any picture proof. I need to see it to believe it.

    McJoy: you mean like drainos?


Barber Shop in Chinatown

 Nowadays I loathe to have my haircut, that's why I seldom have mine cut, maybe once or twice a year. I went back to Chinatown. I could ...