Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Cop got bitch-slapped and collapsed like a sack of potatoes.  Unintentionally funny.

What good is he as a cop?  Can he serve and protect?  I doubt that very much.  He can't even protect himself from a not-too-surprise attack from a seemingly drunk and mildly deranged well-heeled female dog with no weapon but her bare fists.  If the stun-yelp-collapse is just an act in front of the camera to strengthen the case of assaulting a police officer then there is this ugly element of framing the suspect by exaggerating the injury and stretching the truth so much so that it may amount to obstruction of justice.  Either way makes him unfit for law enforcement.

If you study English hard enough, then you can slap a cop in the face when you grow up. The other trick is: you have to drive a Lexus, BMW or a Mercedes and the whole thing has to happen in the Mid-levels. No luck if u are an English-speaking Pakistani living in ShumShuiPo.



  1. it was almost like how football players fake personal/technical fouls.

  2. (明報)2010年1月28日 星期四 05:10
    【明報專訊】終審法院 法官包致金的侄女Amina Mariam Bokhary曾兩犯襲警罪,昨日凌晨再重蹈覆轍。身帶酒氣的她駕車沿跑馬地司徒拔道上斜時,突然越線迎頭撞向一輛旅遊巴。她出事後情緒激動高叫,多番拒絕「吹波波」,企圖離開現場,一名交通警員上前阻攔時,她高呼﹕「Don't touch me!(不要碰我)」並狠摑警員一巴掌,她被增援的女警以手銬鎖起拘捕。

    被捕的Bokhary現年34歲,為包致金的侄女,亦是香港交易所 主席夏佳理 的外甥女,曾兩度因襲警被定罪(見另稿)。昨凌晨警方到達意外現場時,發現她身上有酒氣,一直情緒激動以英文高呼,至被增援女警制停始稍為平復,雙手被鎖上手銬後登上警車帶署。警方以涉嫌襲警及拒絕提供呼氣樣本測試兩項罪名將她拘捕,她暫准保釋外出,下月底返署報到。


  3. the bitch come from a blue blood family 警索證件 女司機遞上信用卡

    昨凌晨零時許,Bokhary獨自駕駛日產Infiniti房車沿司徒拔道上斜,途至肇輝臺對出一個左彎時失控,衝到對面行車線與一輛由34歲姓蘇男子駕駛、載著陽明山莊 下班員工的旅遊巴迎頭相撞,房車車頭摺曲嚴重毁爛,兩車均無人受傷。根據登記資料,涉事房車的登記地址為肇輝臺。


    警員其後要求她接受酒精吹氣測試,但她情緒更激動,走回座駕後座和關上車門,警員多次敲窗及開門示意均遭拒絕,更險被她踢腳發泄時被踢中。擾攘一番後,Bokhary終下車,但依然拒絕合作,連番高呼:「I don't care, I need to leave!(我不在乎,我要離開)」及後她自行沿斜路徒步離開,在場警員見狀連忙尾隨阻止,她即憤怒向警員表示不要碰她,當時一名警員擋在前方阻攔,她舉手怒摑對方一巴掌,發出「啪」的一聲。趕至增援的女警即把她鎖上手銬拘捕。

    鄧竟成 斥司機不尊重警員

    對於警員遭涉嫌醉駕的女司機掌摑,警務處 長鄧竟成回應時指摘該女司機不尊重執法人員。他否認事件反映警權受挑戰,指民調顯示市民對警隊的滿意度不錯。

  4. (Arrrgh I lost the comment again because of stupid IE browser crash!)

    Anyway was just going to say thanks for posting the video. I'm really glad I watched this even though I'm not supposed to do (workin' from home and all, but procrastination makes one do incredible things), as it's one of the funniest things I've seen in a long while. Especially the bit where your man covered his face after the slap and then in slo-mo went down like the sad sack that he is. Gosh, could he be anymore fake?

    And yes I agree the guy in question is totally unfit for law enforcement, both in the fact that he saw fit to step onto an ambulance to go for further medical checks after a mere slap by a drunk woman (okay, female dog it is!), as well as his woeful play-acting to exaggerate damages sustained which would not be held up in any court of law on the basis of such uncontrovertible video evidence. If this guy is any example of HK police these days, then no wonder the HK police stood by and pretended to see nothing when Mainland cops (read: thugs) went over the line literally to grab protesters, and no wonder they had the cheek to claim that they would charge one for assault if one so much as raises one's voice through a loudspeaker during a protest rally.

    Gosh, these people! It takes sheer stretch of imagination and effort to make the police look bad in a situation where the uncooperative drunk was clearly in the wrong, but the guy actually managed it. Amazing.

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    If you study English hard enough, then you can slap a cop in the face when you grow up. The other trick is: you have to drive a Lexus, BMW or a Mercedes and the whole thing has to happen in the Mid-levels. No luck if u are an English-speaking Pakistani living in ShumShuiPo.


  6. The cops lost control of the situation from the get go, potentially putting everybody at risk, themselves, the deranged woman, and any people who were nearby. As it happened, the cop got bitch-slapped for walking around and getting in the suspect's way.

  7. I think the deranged bitch was actually driving an infiniti, no?

  8. Anonymous8:48 PM

    What would the NYPD have done?


  9. The NYPD would have cuffed her pretty much right away. To get the situation under control.

  10. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Would I be strip-searched?

    One concerned 大波少妇


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....