Monday, November 10, 2008

Random Pictures

All pictures were taken by me. The black and white were also tank developed by me. I do feel like my better pictures, relatively and subjectively speaking, were all taken 10 or 20 years ago. The longer I live the suckier I got.


  1. Man, these BW shots sure have a strong artistic feel.

  2. You live in yesterday

  3. I like the pedestrian shots. Especially the one with the afternoon sun streaming in between passers-by beside a church-like building. That's quite something.

  4. That was taken in Paris. It was in the morning. It has that busy tranquility to it. I like it myself. Sometimes you got lucky by just being there and able to see the beauty of it. The picture was taken like 10 or 15 years ago while I was traveling by myself.
    I was such a bum, I didn't do any research when I traveled nor did I book any hotel or YMCA or YHA before I got there. When I got there, the YHA I intended to stay was not even there.... It was quite an experience.

  5. ghorse:
    I thought ALL my pictures have a strong artistic feel. Ha-ha.

  6. I think there is always a big gap between the "you" and "me" especially on the subject or art. But it is true that you needs to be there no matter what. Sitting in the office just for living do no help in this front.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....