Saturday, November 22, 2008

About Books

Culled from the comments I have written . . . .

Never buy a book you don't intend to or can't finish. It's a waste of natural resources, a waste of your living space and in the end a reminder of how pathetic you are.

Borrow from the library.

Owning books don't make you an intellectual, reading them may.

From the hopelessly illiterate.

Usually I don't have the above problem or what I perceive as a problem, as I don't buy books for decor reason. I just bought some lately for reading, probably inspired by other bloggers I come to aspire to.

On my recent book buying experience . . . .
I don’t even trust myself, usually what people say and what people do are different if not totally opposite. Let me tell you how and under what circumstances I bought my most recent books . . . .
I was on my way to McDonald’s having my dietary equivalent of a slow suicide and I passed the street vendor who usually sell books there. The man is in his 50s with questionable personal hygiene selling mostly popular titles. Regarding the source of his books, we share the Clinton military gay policy–Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I decided to have some adventure and totally judged books by their covers and titles. I bought “Indignation” and “The Last Lecture,” totally on the strength of its title and cover. I didn’t even know “The Last Lecture” was on the best seller list and the fact that the backstory of the story is bigger than the story itself. The first one turns out to be an excellent short story at least in my mind. The Last Lecture is a book that can make a manly man like yours truly wells up in the train, more than once. Usually I avoid reading any self-help and preaching book at all cost because no manly man can tolerate people telling him what to do with his life, but The “Last Lecture” turns out to be a very fine read. There is nothing like an intelligent dead man talking to you.
Then I bought Ansel Adams’ “The Picture” from a library booksale, it cost $3. It was almost like an insult to the master, because we are talking about greatest American photographer Ansel Adams here. But I guess we shouldn’t judge a book by how much it was sold, Jane Austin was like 3 for $1, so there you have it. I also picked up “Bag of Bones” by the King, $1, just, it’s hardcover and an inch and a half thick, it looks tremendous and substantial.
If you still don’t know whether I would buy or read your book, don’t despair, I don’t either.
With warmest wishes and best of luck.
. . .
Jane Austen was once spelled like Jane Austin in the 1800s, basically Austen and Austin are interchangeable or so many people say. . . . Never mind.

My blog really sinks to a new new low, in parallel with the latest stock market trend, as I have to resort to recycling my own stuff. No amount of verbiage can deflect my own deficiency for lack of imagination. But it is what it is hope you enjoy it in the early morning.


  1. Didn't the market rebound yesterday??

  2. then only buy the pictorial PB & PH, I am sure that you can finish reading it, at least the pictorial parts, or if you have another back issue PB & PH, in good condition, I am most happy to keep it for you


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....