Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Yashica Mat-124 G

I am totally happy with my own Cartier-Bresson guestimate exposure. I am not happy at all with the color and the scan. The scan can't be right at least can't be called HI-RES. The color isn't right either (or maybe it's right, I know Portra is supposed to be low contrast ....) but I guess I would never find out whose fault it is anyway, as it can be due to the fact that the film is expired though unlikely. I guess it's time to shoot chrome or just process my own black and white or go digital all the way. That way at least you don't have anybody to blame but yourself.


  1. These photos really look suitably like "childhood snaps", like something taken from the 80's (in fact, rather like those from my own childhood!) Something about the colours and the tonal values of the pics, like slightly faded or yellowed pictures that you dig out from very old albums after decades storing them in the attic. Even though you're not totally happy with the colour and the scan, I actually think the colours are just right given the subject matter (again, speaking purely as a complete not-even-an-amateur greenhorn of course).

    And oh, that poor doggie, he doesn't look like he's a happy camper does he?

  2. I guess I am not happy with the scan. I want more details but it is sorely missing. I guess I need to pay tons of money to get a good scan. I believe the details are there in the negative.

    I like the dog, it's big. He was playing fetch with some kids. He fetched everything including tennis balls and some big rocks. He's kind of crazy. I like the dog picture. Actually I like all the pictures. And I like the 6x6 square format.

  3. I like the last one. The rest is just family snapshot and so the people capture is more important than anything else.

    Square is good, and the only experience I have with square format is Polaroid. Too bad I don't own a 6x6 camera before.

  4. I guess your better half will kill you for this picture. :-)

  5. I mean the piture in your next post.

  6. She is not a violent person so I should be safe. I don't see why she would object to it anyway.

    "The rest is just family snapshot." Man, I thought my captures have transcended what's considered snapshot and they are in my eyes, in the same league of works from Gary Winogrand and Diane Arbus. Guess I was wrong. Yeah, it's hip to be square. Thank you for the frank assessment.

    On another note, did you pre-order the D700? Did your 70~200 VR come yet?


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....