Friday, July 11, 2008

Weekend Fodder

McCain is not a natural born American. Holy cow, he shouldn't, couldn't run for the highest office on Earth. Obama wins the race by default, woo hoo. (my hyperlink is pretty random, and don't make a lot of sense. Woo hoo)

Fannie and Freddie, the star-crossed partners in crime messed up the stock market. Every day there is some reason why the stock market should go down more or why the oil price should go up to $200 a barrel. Oh shoot, McCain's people are going to call you a whiner....

The iPhone 3G is out, but the stock price is still stuck in low gear and actually down a few dollars, like every other day. With all the losers waiting in line handing money to Apple, the stock is still heading south, what gives? If you are pissed off with the stock performance, with some luck, you can get the pee version of iPhone 3G. I need to find one myself, just to complement my pissy mood.


  1. That link to the SSRN paper was very good (didn't know that you use SSRN as well?)

    One little thing I've noticed and been meaning to ask: why did you start peppering your posts with "woohoo" lately? Influence from your kids perhaps :)

  2. No. You couldn't be more right, I've never heard of SSRN, it's just a link from the NYTimes I got. i really have no use from SSRN, you know not for work or otherwise.

    Whoo hoo just my way of expressing excitement. I don't think my kids say that, so I don't know where I pick that up from honestly.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....