Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Based on New Yorker's David Denby's largely positive review, I went to see "Hancock." I went in with high expectation, and but only to leave the theater disappointed. I think it's really nobody's fault. I believe I have lost the capacity to thoroughly enjoy action movies. That must be it. I think it's still better than say "I am Legend."

Then we have this record shattering movie phenomenon called "Batman: The Dark Knight." I first saw Christian Bale when he was a playing an English school boy in Empire of The Sun in 1987. Of course he is all grown up and is now Batman par excellence instead of some hapless shorts wearing school boy. Again, I failed to appreciate another seemingly good, make it excellent, action cum drama flick. I went to a pretty good movie house, and I was impressed with both the audio and video of the theater. I can see the pores of the actors. And I even noticed the eyebag under Bale's right eye and right eye only so that's kind of odd ... and his mole between his nose and right eye. I know it's pathetic but that's what I noticed and paid attention to whenever Bale is not growling behind his Batman mask. Before the movie, there was this trailer with some big names like Brad Pitt and George Freaking Clooney. For some reason, Pitt just looks so uncool and pedestrian and even old. I don't know if it's the super clear projector of the movie house or what but it's far removed from the Pitt that appeared in Fight Club, the guy with zero percentage body fat and a nonchalance attitude. Fans of Edison Chen rejoice, the accidental porn star of the year has a cameo that lasts about five seconds. He has one line but the camera wasn't focusing on him so he is kind of blurry and on the side of the screen, but that's enough to make his fans' heart flutter, I think. For more Edison Chen with Nikon D70 6 mega pixel clarity, you have to go to www... never mind, the kid is a reformed Christian or so I heard. Heath Ledger's Joker is a menacing psychopath, and Ledger is in face paint throughout the entire movie so you can't really see him. All you see is really the Joker and his tongue, slithering like a snake. The wardrobe is kind of OKAY, there is this leather jacket in the beginning of the movie as worn by one of the bank robbers that I like. But other than that, I am not all that impressed with the wardrobe. Especially not Bale's hair, all right it's not wardrobe and I am not implying Bale wears a hair piece. The hair just looks very tired and dated. I can only imagine maybe that's what Bruce Wayne is supposed to look like hairstyle wise, I can't be sure as I am no comic book fanboy myself. The Dark Knight is one long loud movie, prepared to be bombarded and excited or exhausted.


  1. This is the most underwhelming review of The Dark Knight I've read... It must have been a rather boring two and a half hours for you to only really notice the wardrobe and make-up.

    But yes, I remember Christian Bale when he was the lead in Empire of the Sun too. He was brilliant then and still a really decent actor now (as evinced by the Machinist at least).

  2. I like the movie, but I think if I were 17 or 20 years old, I'd like it better. I think I was so entertained when I first saw Indiana Jones, Terminator or The Thing. I could never get that kind of feeling back.

    I saw the Machinist, that just proved Christian Bale was not only insanely good looking, despite the eyebag and the mole of course, he is just insane.

    I hope the latest episode of Mum and sister beating isn't true. That would be a real let down ...

  3. What is "The Thing"??

    "the latest episode of Mum and sister beating"


    Clearly I don't know enough about "entertainment" news and anyway am too lazy to google...

  4. "The Thing" was a movie by John Carpenter. I like it.

    Bale was arrested and released without charge for alleged assault on his mother and sister in a London hotel. Bale said the allegation is false and the whole thing is deeply personal...and much prefer to talk about his latest blockbuster The Dark Knight.

  5. I saw The Dark Knight on Wed night - it opened over here last weekend and the theatre was jam-packed even though it was only Wed. Not too bad at all but perhaps less than my expectations of it given all the rave reviews. It was a bit too long actually. And yes, spotted Edison Chen there too. Glad to see HK also on the big screen given I haven't been back for almost a decade.

    I have to say I didn't notice this asymmetrical eyebag problem you noticed with Christian Bale. Nor did I notice a mole on his face (I actually remember searching for it and later my friend says she didn't notice anything untoward about Bale's appearance either). I actually think he looked a bit like a young Tom Cruise in his civilian clothes.

    But I do think Heath Ledger deserve an Oscar nomination at least for his performance.

  6. Maybe they photoshopped them out in Ireland? They were there when I saw it. The mole is definitely there, right next to his right eye where the tear duct is and close to the nose bridge. The eyebag may be a bit subjective, the skin appears a bit loose about an inch and a half underneath his right eye. When the DVD or Blu-Ray version comes out, make sure you look for the mole and eyebag version.

    He does resemble Cruise. I guess he's a bit taller, well most leading men are taller than Mr. Cruise.

    I think Aaron Eckhart as two-face was good too. He's reliable, always delivers a good performance.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....