Monday, January 05, 2009

Getting Back To The Routine

Routine can be a good thing, it keeps you grounded. It gives you certain comfort knowing what's next, and what's coming after next.

I read the NYT on my way to work. I take pride in reading the NYT while strap hanging on the train. It takes a man with certain agility to do this stunt, without greatly inconveniencing any of your fellow commuters like falling on them while the train is in motion. Well sometimes it happens inevitably when the motor man had too much to drink the night before (jussst kidding) or more likely the all too often "signaling problem" and the train just jerks along in the labyrinth wasteland that's called New York City. When you bump somebody, you say excuse me, not a big deal. Just make sure you bump the right type, OK?

I know I must have missed something when I was hard at work on my critically acclaimed short story on New Year eve. And sure enough, the NYT reports Kathy Griffin says something "vulgar" on the CNN New Year Eve count down livecast as hosted by Anderson Cooper and herself. I remember reading the newspaper ad for the show on the morning thinking wow CNN and Griffin that ought to be fun. It's like reading the Playboy with the cover of The Economist. Plus I always like Griffin, I like her sense of irreverence both to the establishment and herself. Another woman comic I like is Joan Rivers. I have a weakness for women comics perhaps. Anyhow, I still haven't seen the actual footage for the alleged offense except reading it on print and online. and the New York Times is again too lame to even print the exact words, well family paper, can't blame them I guess.

Talking about Kathy Griffin, I think she and the other Steve was a couple. That kind of what makes Steve Wozniak special I guess, he can come to appreciate the Hollywood D list or so she herself alleges to be. On another Steve related news, Steve Jobs finally admitted he has an health issue that is probably the reason he is not doing the MacWorld thing tomorrow. Wall Street reacts to this piece of news with Apple stock going up more than $4. How do you make of that? You can always explain what happened but I dare any pundit that can accurately predict the uptick of the stock in the mid of this arguably Apple bad news. I guess in a way, the market is writing Jobs off, taking him out of the valuation equation. His health should not be playing a part in Apple's valuation in the future. Apple has turned a new page in 2009.


  1. I too was blogging at the time and did not watch the countdown.

    So, do you have a weakness for woman comedians or vulgar women, eh ?!!

    Griffin's remark abt 'richards' still pales compared to what some of the things motor-mouth Joan Rivers had said on or off air.

    Oops, did I just disclose I too like JR, or a portion of her former self (since she like 're-making' herself so much)?

  2. Women comics who are smart and vulgar.

  3. why didn't you Blog in your cell phone, Blackberry or i-phone in the subway, it's even more impression than reading the New York Time


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....