Tuesday, May 15, 2007

YouTube Tuesday

If you think Wong Kar Wai is too arty farty, perhaps this hardcore clip from Times Square is more for you. [WARNING: toddler performing a perfect somersault involuntarily. Bad Taste, bad humor.]
New York City is Dangerous For Free Range Toddlers

I know you and I are going to rot in hell for laughing at this.
Seen first at http://www.gawker.com


  1. The break-dancer was perfect in his moves. I think they're gonna hurt themselves easily doing all those acrobatic feats.

    I hope the toddler wasn't seriously hurt after being made to do the seamless flip-flop. It was dangerous.

  2. Did you find it funny? I did.

  3. Yes, I find the break-dance part very entertaining. I wish I was able to do something like that.

    But the accidental bumping and back somersault was really scary. I think you know Bun Tsai in HK. He's an author now for writing a book pleading for euthanasia to be legalised in HK.

    Bun Tsai then became what is Bun Tsai now because of a similar flip-flop performed by him when he's a teenager.

  4. that's the differences among the American parents and Chinese parents. For Chinese parents, they won't let the kids went out of their control area

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Yellow card!
    This is really bad taste. Pls bring back the Macau video and some wp2007 pictures!


  6. Vincent,
    I guess I live in NYC long enough, I found it hilarious. I guess I am callous and bad taste.
    for wp2007 pictures, you can go to Sid's blog which I already linked on my sidebar on the right.

    wp2006, I don't know if there is a difference between "American parents" and "Chinese parents." You think the American parents should let their kids wander around? Look what happened.

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I'm dead serious. How can a parent find this funny is beyond me. I never find accidents funny. But I do laugh uncontrollably if I see someone getting angry. Whenever some people are getting into heated arguments, I always like to watch. I will always laugh as long as they don't come to blows. That's why I'm trying my hardest not to get angry because someone, somewhere will find it funny. I want to deny that joy to that someone.


  8. I am a parent and I found it hilarious.

    Sometimes, great comedy is intricately related to tragedy. I meant no harm to the poor kid at all. But the whole setup and the back flip is just too funny.

  9. What do you think about Internet TV operator Joost, buddy? Some say YouTude would be at risks airing its low-quality video.

    Even HK tycoon LI Ka Shing thinks it's a good idea to put money into an HD YouTube kind of undertaking.

  10. Amercian parents Vs Chinese parents, from my limit travel experience, in many occasions that the kids being unattended, usually they are Caucasian kids. Remember recently a English was lost in Portgual while their parents were out. David Beckham appeared in TV to ask for help to find the little girl.

  11. 黎Sir: 你唔加 spoiler 仲正!

  12. If I don't add the warning or spoiler, then people might be offended even more, now they kind of know what they are getting into. I did put some thought about not adding the warning but I decided against it (as if it's very important decision)

    I signed up for Joost, meaning they will let me know if they are up to something, I received one email from them. Youtube, I don't know if they are making any money at all. Chances are not. It's not for the people but not for the shareholders. If Google didn't granddaddy YouTube, I don't know how long it can last. Joost is not so much user generated content it's more like professional content.

    I don't know the difference. What I hate most is parents yelling hitting their badly behaved kids in public. Their ill behaved kids is bad enough and now with the worse parents and you kind of know why the kids behave the way they behave. Kids, like adults, aren't always cute, they can be disgusting just as well.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....