Thursday, May 03, 2007

Grey's Anatomy

This is a two-hour special. I have to say I can't believe I am writing this, but I just do. I can understand why it's such a success.

The series is full of hot guys and girls, maybe except Sandra Oh, she is actually a man ... just kidding I think she is cool. Sometimes you just can't help but get jealous on the characters, being young, energetic, good looking and being a doctor or a surgical intern. It's a bit hard to believe but my personal experience tells me that it can be true, there are indeed good looking doctors and nurses around in the hospital. It's just that as a patient you kind of have other important things in mind, like if you can walk out the place alive, than checking them out.

The two-hour special lays the ground work for the spin-off, Private Practice, which I read sometime ago, is going to be another ensemble with Dr. Addison from the original Grey's Anatomy (I just assume this is the lead-in to the spin-off as I really have no idea and I don't doesn't watch the show religiously). The place is going to be in LA, more sun and bitches beaches and less rain than Grey's Seattle. My assessment is the new characters are interesting or hot enough for a new spin-off. The 2-hour special doesn't disappoint. We have all the dramas all over the place and it does get a bit too busy but the good writing and acting play off on screen ... adultery continues, new relationships, somebody gives birth, somebody dies. In short, what great TV is supposed to be.

One of the things about Grey and the soon spin-off is that the cast is really multi-ethnic. You have Whites, African Americans, Asians and Latinos and they all play some roles in the series not just some racial tokens. (Seinfeld and Friends were great successes but were criticized for being lily white, I enjoyed them as they were though, especially Seinfeld) The writer and creator of the show is the young Shonda Rhimes, I don't know if her being an African American woman has anything to do with it. Apparently the show appeals to a lot of people and across demographics, mostly chicks I think.

Some supposedly hot shows I never really watch:-
  • Lost, I just don't see how can a group of people LOST for so long and still alive, isn't that the premise, I really have no clue
  • Prison Break, you either break successfully or you got locked up and got butt fucked again by some big guys in the prison. How could that last a whole season or two or three, I have no clue.
  • 24, I always meant to watch it, even recorded an episode, just never really sat through it.
  • Heroes, yeah, I saw a few episodes. I guess I like it or try to like it somewhat but I don't think I am really their target audience. it's like X Files in the 90s or so. If you were a teenager or have the mind of one, you tend to enjoy this kind of story a bit better. Now that I am a boring grown man, it's just a bit difficult for me to buy all those super power hero kind of crap. I was never a big fan of comics to begin with.
For some serious TV review, I think Television without mercy is the site to be, or so I read.


  1. I rarely have the time for TV drama or TV series but a few years ago I enjoyed watching [Scrubs], again a series about young doctors or interns.

  2. Yesterday I bought a BBC DVD "The Secrets of Sex", I have read some comments in loca newspaper that it's a good DVD, for the BBC production, never make me disappointed. They are high quality product, only HK$99. In this weekend I will spend sometimes to finish it

  3. With my notebook and wifi, I almost never sit still for any sitcom or TV. I would just mindlessly surf the web and watch the TV at the same time. Scrubs, yes I know that series. But I don't think I ever really watch it.

    "The Secrets of Sex." Hope you can practice what you learn from the DVD.

  4. I have practise for almost 15 years, but still fuck up


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....