Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Coffee Table as Computer

Microsoft is announcing Surface, a coffee table like computer with a touch screen. Like iPhone, you operate the thing by touching it with your fingers (there is too much fingering and touching going on, it can't be a good thing, or can it?), unlike iPhone, you can't possibly carry it anywhere. The Surface project started in 2001 and was once prototyped in 2003 using an IKEA table.

It seems like a very cool futuristic product but in terms of marketing, the product just lacks the sex appeal that Apple products have.

Surface available Winter 2007.

From Popular Mechanics.
From Microsoft.


  1. Americans are so very creative. They're much better than their generals and commanders prosecuting a war in Iraq.

    The teapoy computer solves a long-standing problem once and for all.

    Teenagers can't surf for porn in the living room as conveniently as they do in their bedrooms.

    I want to give the people at Microsoft the credit for that alone. Needless to say, there're much more to the teapoy than meets the eye.

  2. I haven't done a lot of research, but he seems to have something or a lot to do with it.

  3. I knew him. I mean I read about him some time ago.

    I think Han's widely considered as a guru in his field - groping. I mean touch sensitive screens.

    Ah! yes. I read about him when I was doing a Net search on the iPhone. It's got a lot of touching to do on the phone display.

    Jeff Han is a leader of multiple or simultaneous touching with computer or other LED screens.

    Another An Wang.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....