Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday the 13th: The Battle of Old People

I cannot believe this Friday the 13th, there isn't a Jason movie in a theater near you.  Instead we have some movies starring old people for old people.  The Expendables.  As if one bad actor is not bad enough, The Expendables gathers a whole bunch of bad actors otherwise also known as action stars to front this fruit punch of an action movie.  I guess in some way it's a wet dream came true for all the action movie fans out there, a movie with most of the action stars albeit aging ones--Rambo is 64 years old eligible for collecting social security if he so chooses.  I secretly want to see this big bad loud movie.  Do people care about Julia Roberts anymore?  I guess some do, like moviegoers in Japan I suppose.  I like her, everybody likes her but is it enough to part $12 and go see her in a drama without asinine jokes, guns, some gratuitous violence (you can forget about nudity on big screen as Hollywood is very very conservative on this count)?  Youngsters much prefer to see New Moon kind of movies or pseudo intelligent movies like Toy Story 4 and a 1/2 and Shriek IX.  Julia Roberts would probably make another box office hit if she lends her voice to some animation character.  This sounds harsh but I think this is the box office reality now.  If Roberts beats senior citizen Stallone and his posse in this battle of the sexes between old people, it would really mean something.  It definitely (re-)establishes her as a major box office draw in spite of living in a time where stupid cartoon and vampire movies rule.  Yeah, I talk about movies without ever seeing them.

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Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....