R Fed: Gosh, not the egg roll again!
Federer fashion watch.
White military jacket and matching long pants with golden piping. Together with the oversized white headband, he looks very Japanese Kamikaze.
If you think the jacket is kind of ridiculous, wait till you see what's inside. It's a waistcoat, that Federer leaves on when warming up. God forbid, a white waistcoat in a tennis court worn by one of the tennis greats Roger Federer. I mean he is not waiting table, isn't he? It certainly tops Nadal's sleeveless shirt and clam digger pants. If Federer, for any reason messes up in the tournament, it's definitely the hideous waistcoat.
Nike also carries the military theme into the women's side. Sharopova wears what looks like a $10,000 Balmain jacket except whiter and tackier.
there should be a Taiwanes Man Player, Lo, where's his pic ? today I saw his face in the TV, he's also the only Aisan Player.