Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New York City Weather Report

Rainy, warm, and windy.

Something from the Sunday New York Times

In the States, we have Indigo kids; in Japan, they have hikikomori.

In the Spirit of MLK (as in Martin Luther King, Jr.), there is also an article on the Times Magazine regarding the pressure to cover up. Essentially, the author alleges that our society, after all these years of civil rights movement, is now protecting imutable traits, like race, gender or genetic makeup in general, but not protecting mutable traits, like behaviors. The author sees a need for a shift to liberty based protection on an individual level.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    That's why Mr GAN Baoqi or Mr KAM Po Kee (many foreign union brothers can't even tell my family name from my name) becomes Mr Sidney Sweet. If you were Robert Black, you might be able to land better jobs, or at least get a better reponse from potential employers, i.e. according to economists Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan.



Barber Shop in Chinatown

 Nowadays I loathe to have my haircut, that's why I seldom have mine cut, maybe once or twice a year. I went back to Chinatown. I could ...