Friday, May 30, 2008

The Occassional Gardener




Italian Basil

White Peony


  1. I have to make a protest here, I don't like flower, I don't like to read your writing, just boring, write something more excited like our Professor S, upload some hot pics, like those in your inbox, please please please

  2. Don't forget to take your medication now.

  3. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Beauty is everywhere. Just look around. The smell of the flowers, the grass. In the sports stadium that I jog, I can walk on grass at times. It feels good. Men are supposed to live close to the soil. That is where we come from and where we end up. Too bad in this part of the earth we have to pave up everything with cement.


  4. then go back to your jogging and soil, I have to protest once again, you are interested in grass, soil and flowers, then you should be a monk, doing something more meaningful, man, don't let me down

  5. The above comments made me almost snort out my tea :D

    FWIW, I'm glad that you showed what have been growing in your garden and that, yes, you were not lying when you said over on R&E that you too grow herbs, including basil. They all look so wonderfully healthy (and I can see what you mean when you said the sage don't look like R&E's variety, I've seen both in markets here). Do you or your wife actually use them in your homecooking?

  6. The sage is from last season or the season before. The rest were bought this season. Except the peony which was just there since time immemorable.

    It's mainly me who use the herb to cook or for garnishing. I used to have rosemary but it died some time ago. One time years ago, we went camping with our friends it's outdoor but have power outlet from the camp ground, I actually brought the whole pot of basils together with a food processor to make pesto. I was pretty wild.

    I can't believe I have inadvertently cultivated such a low credibility and have this liar liar pants on fire online persona, which is just as well I guess.

  7. "I can't believe I have inadvertently cultivated such a low credibility and have this liar liar pants on fire online persona, which is just as well I guess."

    I actually have to re-read that sentence a couple of times, and I only realise what you mean when I saw how I wrote "you were not lying when..." in my last comment. Please understand though my last comment was only in relation to our previous exchange over on Read&Eat (I mean, you WERE "lcl" over there right?) when it was YOU who questioned me about whether it was in fact basil that I had problems keeping from dying.

    Rest assured that as far as online personas go, yours is extremely credible precisely because you don't seem to be cultivating any. I could never post pictures of myself and family members so openly on my blog due to confidentiality concerns, but it's refreshing to see others who have no such (admittedly wussy) qualms.

    Anyway, fresh homemade pesto on campground eh? What an aspirational picture for me! I shall continue to try then despite my last failed experiment with Marks & Spencers' "grow your own basil in a pot".

  8. Wordpress doesn't automatically use my blogspot id, so I just put what some people call me, LCL and much shorter name, yes, that's me.

    Now, I don't think I would do the same, bringing a whole pot of basil to the camp ground.

    The herbs I have aren't too healthy, they need some health food and some TLC as in tender loving care.

    If I am famous, then perhaps I would really stay anonymous, as of now, I don't think anybody really cares....except maybe myself.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....