Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Day In The Life of A Suburban Dad

I have been waiting for Alex to ask me to see Iron Man.  And today he finally asked if we could go see it.  I've heard a lot of good things about the movie so I am a bit excited to see the movie as well.  Harry was a bit hesitant, I think he liked to see it but he was a bit scared by it.  Anyway, with promise of pop corn and Coke, he went along with us.

We went to see the first show at 10.30 in a multiplex in Whitestone which is about 20 minute drive.  The first show was $8.25, I just can't believe it.  And the large soda and pop corn was $10.30.  How was the movie?  Maybe I expected too much so I thought it wasn't as exciting as I would like it to be.  I was thinking in terms of Transformers kind of excitement, alas, it wasn't even close.  The plot was kind of flimsy, the action was all right.  The acting was decent.  The trailers have some of the very best scenes already.  Looking back, I think Transformers was really exceptional as far as robot like fighting is concerned.  Still it wasn't a bad movie at all.  The movie was more than two hours long, I was surprised that Harry was able to sit through it with the help of soda and popcorn.  So I guess it was good enough.

Glaring inconsistency:  Robert Downey Jr, or Tony Stark, in the last scene, preparing for his press conference, was seen having a pocket square, but when he was out at the lectern, the white pocket square was gone.

Movies to see:
Indiana Jones
Kung Fu Panda


  1. wait for me, I am going to visit you soon, is it the typical US style drive-in cinema, next time bring me there

  2. Whereas I can't wait for next weekend when SATC would be out here, yay! (My intended treat when I finalise at least one chapter draft by then).

  3. SATC is the most anticipated movie for all the girls out there. I saw my fair share of SATC when it was on rerun on lesser cable channels here, meaning all the supposedly racy scenes and dialogues were sanitized. I probably will see it if my wife so desires.

  4. wp2007

    I demand you to read at least the post 3 times before commenting.

    I will bring you to Chinatown and leave you there with the Falung Gong, or CCP, you guys deserve each other.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....