Sunday, July 11, 2010

World Cup, the End

Now that you have survived the very exciting 2010 World Cup, and more importantly the seemingly deadly vuvuzela (you might have hearing loss but who cares?), aren't you proud of yourself?  I know I am.  The bad news is there isn't any other sports that are so officially sanctioned at work, i.e. any office drone can say with a straight face that he is watching the game online or on TV in some conference room without any repercussion.  Actually it's almost encouraged, sort of a bonding thing to do, similar to the 15-minute cigarette break every hour on the hour practiced by smokers and non-smokers alike.  Sadly all good things must come to an end.  But the good news is in 2014, another World Cup will be held, and this time in Brazil and until then everybody shall be productive at work, doesn't have to pretend to know soccer to blend in, and only take his usual 15-minute cigarette break every hour on the hour only.  See you all in four years.


  1. in HK, the fever will continue in 2012 Euro Cup

  2. Anonymous1:56 AM

    What happened to football, the American type, in these two months in America? Or it has to take second place even with the Yankees [not New York Yankees].


  3. We don't play football in the summer, only Fall and Winter.

  4. Did any Americans back home actually support the USA team when they were still in the World Cup?

  5. Yes, we did. It was the only good news on that day when Donovan scored a goal.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....