Friday, October 05, 2007

I can't even come up with a title

Taken from my Inbox

Well done! That is so true. The Japanese were dumb enough to attack Pearl Harbour (and Hitler was even dumber by declaring war on the US because of the axis thing). The giant, with its demographic and industrial might, was awakened. Without the help from America,
China would have to sue for peace at one time or another. As a leader, Jiang must have thought about it and must have done something. Of course, after the war, all such evidence was destroyed and disowned. Success has a thousand mothers, but failure is always an orphan. Wang Jing Wei, for his part, also had big character fault. He only sank deeper and deeper. Do you know that he was always petitioning to his Japanese overlords that his regime should declare war on US too (following Pearl Harbour)! It was always a very complex story. The good thing about the movie is that: inadvertently, it reminds us of that part of Chinese history during that time. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? Are they really so clear cut?

> Recently I watched many DVDs that I bought in Taiwan, about WWII in China, Burma etc. I have some other insight, as long
> as China alone cannot beat Japanese, why should China still defense, if KMT surrender, or co-operate with Japanese, like
> Chairman Wang Jin Wei or his senior officers, like Tony Leung. Then Japanese will concentrate their efforts in fucking US,
> Pearl Habor attrack may happen earlier in 1939 or 1940, then will make Uncle Sam get into a lot of trouble earlier.
> And I just wonder, China will get less civilians or troops being murdered and more US GI will be killed.
> As in 1939 to 1942, certainly sooner or later Japan must be in confrontation with US, why should we still defense, like
> Kingdom of Siam, their King co-operate with Japanese, and less Thai people have been murdered. (As I watch a documentary
> from Dept of Defense of US), the King of Siam seems more clever or more care for their people than Mao or CKS.
> Enough bull shit, [redacted], what's your idea ?

I watched it last week. It was a good movie. The sex scenes were very explicit. Okay, if you want to watch a skin flick, go watch a skin flick. In one of the scenes, you could see Tony Leung's balls, not to mention Tang Wei's erect nipples all the time. Was this necessary? I had some doubts. It could be that the director's focus was on lust. Then what about the political background of that time. Tony Leung really had not much to do in the movie, If I were the director, I would have given a bigger role to Tony. But the downside is the movie won't do too well at the box office. It is always a tough sell. Come to think of it. How many people know what is going on in China at that time? In the States, a lot of kids think the Americans teamed up with the Germans to fight the Russians in the Second World War. In China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, things are not much better. That said, I could tell that the director gave a lot of heart in the production of this movie. Great attention to details. You should watch the movie in a cinema. In [redacted], at 9:30 in the morning, it only cost me hkd 45.> > > [redacted]>


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    You touch my heart, my bull shit were appeared in your Blog side by side with Prof. Vinci's

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I also just found out that China only declared war on the Japanese on Dec 9, 1941. (after Pearl Harbour and following in the footsteps of the States and Great Britain) That was after the Nanking Massacre and all those atrocities. How could anyone say that a state of war didn't exist? China was really screwed up big time then!


  3. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Declare of War only a bull shit, I knew that why China sent "Volunteers" to Korea in 1950 instead of PLA since they didn't want to declare war on US or the UN troops

  4. That's a whole lot of BS from WP2007. Alright, surrendering to your enemy in order to spare the people from all the hardships brought on by resisting occupation. Sounds great. No wonder Lee Teng-hui regretted so much that Japan didn't take Formosa for good. I don't give a damn to WP2007's proposition. Anyway, I haven't fought in any war, nor have I suffered from any harship as a result of war. I don't think I'm fully qualified to make the observations I've made.

  5. Anonymous1:59 AM

    NO, Prof. Sweet did the same practice everyday, this guy surrendering to the superpower who sleep next to him in order to exchange for peace and quite for himself and his little kids

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM

    In the Korean war, the PLA didn't bring the Chinese flag to the battlefields. If you somehow see one in a Korean movie, that was a mistake on their part. That means they haven't done their homework.


  7. Anonymous11:14 AM

    unrelated, but this might save the tv one day, haha


  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    this is the first time I heard about in Korean War, the "PLA", in the name of "volunteers", didn't bring the PRC flag to Korea. I want to add some more, according to Prof Sweet's logic, think about in 1967, if the HK communists insisted to fight, set the street bombers in everywhere, fuck the Colonial British, what will be the outcome, it's PM Zhou En Lai ordered them to surrender


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....