I was reading an issue of Wired that I collected from the basement at work, of course, for free. In it there's this Google print ad that got my attention.
It's about a girl called Niniane Wang, who at the tender age of 10, learned the Lisp programming language.
I don't remember what I learned at 10. I didn't hear about Lisp until maybe 10 years ago, and of course I don't know anything about Lisp except it's a programming language developed by some MIT folks, hey I don't even bother to wiki it. If reading this makes you so depressed about your room temperature IQ and deficiency in things in general. Please don't. If it's any comfort, you got me as company.
There are some people who are really smart. To visit smartie Niniane, click here.
There're many different ways of being smart. Being able to programme a chip is one of them. Some people are really smart in gaming, e.g. playing mahjong or Thirteen Cards. Some are good with words, e.g. writing a novel like the Da Vinci Code and making up other stories. Yet some skills are more marketable than others. So never ever feel bad about what you're not good at. Hard work is all that matters. Practice makes perfect.