Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ubuntu And Flash Finally Work Together

This has been long plaguing my system from day one. In the beginning when it was at its very worst, it could actually bring down the browser, yes, the plugin actually brought down the browser. Then things got a bit better since Firefox 3 and Flash 9 onward, only the plugin went crazy, like totally gobbled audio, without bringing down the browser. But still, almost all web sites unfortunately use some form of Flash to pretty up themselves, sometimes to make up for lack of contents. So without a working Flash plugin, my Linux box is greatly handicapped. That's until today when I got some time in hand and did another search to solve this issue. Some of the resolutions, you just knew are basically mid wife's tale with no technical sophistication or merit like you call the help desk, the guy on the other end keeps telling you it's your fault or you have been playing with the computer and his sole resolution is to ask you to reboot the machine a hundred times.

OKAY enough of my bull. Here is the real McCoy for fixing this perennial problem. Apparently it has something to do with PulseAudio. "Apparently" that is after 20/20 hindsight. psyke83 is a genius and he or she is from Ireland. I just followed the instructions and now I can play all the Youtube video without problems. There are still great people out there.

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Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....