Friday, February 11, 2011

The Internet Shall Kick Your Butt

The Internet has changed how everything is marketed and consumed, including the latest revolution in Egypt.  A legion of young technorati, armed with notebooks (notably the Apple MacBook Pro that seems permanently and surgically attached to Wael Ghonim), using Facebook and Twitter and sure their unwavering love for their country, was able to topple Mubarak's 30-year old autocratic regime in eighteen days.

Note to Zuckerberg:  Don't even think about opening an office in China.


  1. Without the Egyptian military's blessing or connivance, do you think they could still have done so?

    "A revolution is not a dinner banquet." -- Mao Zedong

  2. The military is forced to make a decision. Are they with a 30-year old regIme which is losing its death grip to govern or are they with the people?

  3. We'll wait and see. The jury is still out. The military is at the helm of the country at the moment. The military leaders are making a big gamble.

    "Whoever has the rifle has political power [or calls the shots]. 槍桿子裏出政權。" -- Mao Zedong, 1927

    This proposition still applies to fragile democracies like Egypt, the Philippines, Indonesia, and even Thailand etc.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....