Saturday, May 15, 2010

iPhone Leak Latest Devlopment

The iPhone prototype will get you into a whole lot of trouble.  Based on court unsealed documents, Apple did play an active role in the police investigation of the lost and found iPhone prototype.  Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, called Brain Lam, editor of Gizmodo for the safe return of the prototype but was declined unless Gizmodo received written confirmation from Apple that the prototype was indeed Apple's property.  In the unsealed document Brain Lam sent Jobs an email which was supposedly off the record--is there even such a thing, off the record, claiming that Apple PR has been cold to Gizmodo and affects his ability to do his job and prefacing that they have nothing to lose.  And in closing he says he wants to work closer with Apple.  Wow, does it sound like a thinly veiled threat to Jobs and Apple?  I am not sure but it certainly doesn't sound too friendly and all.

Well, too bad.  Apple and Jobs can't be bullied to work with anybody.

I think this case comes down to Is there a theft?  Does Gizmodo purchase stolen property?  Does Gizmodo divulge trade secret?  And Gizmodo's First Amendment Right?  Or something.

via Cnet

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