Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fincher's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

The Karen O trailer gives the edge the book deserves but sorely missing in the American movie.  Fincher slogs through the material with a James Bond like opening sequence which is going to challenge the deep black in all LCD television sets across the nation when the blu-Ray, DVD and VOD come out some time later.  After the James Bondish, part MTV, part WTF opening sequence, things kind of go downhill.  There is really nothing to write home about, the intense coffee drinking scenes are missing and how I miss them.  The movie is by and large a faithful adaptation of the original novel so much so that I think if I haven't read the book I sure won't be able to follow the plot.  The movie is kind of sexist, something the book criticizes and despises.  Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara) is seen giving it all for the movie here while Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) stingily flashes only his butt crack in his man-whore like speedo underwear.  Where is the equality in on-screen nudity?  In terms of brutality, I am not impressed.  And Fincher certainly doesn't give the audience something new or good:  the same old tired obligatory shower scene after the rape.  Oh my goodness.  Spare me already.  Rooney Mara gives a credible performance and she looks the part.  But that's about it, her character is just as interesting as her changing hair styles along the movie, which is somewhat interesting but not interesting enough to propel the plot forward and save the movie from being mundane and tedious.

Despite the fact that it's a SONY movie, Apple is still featured faithfully* and prominently in the movie.  VAIO and NEX play minor supporting roles only.  EPSON,surprisingly, has a minor supporting role as well.  *Blomkvist is supposed to use an iBook in the book, cheap journalist ...


  1. so you didn't like this version? i thought it's not bad. it does make me want to see the original though. :P

  2. I just need to find an angle to write about it. I think the movies and the books got enough praise and adulation already. Personally I don't think the Sweden version is any better. It is different not exactly better.

    Happy new year 2012.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....