Thursday, October 13, 2011

iOS5 Upgrade And Miscellaneous BS

I never like iTunes and I never bother to understand the iTunes sync.  It's like you plug in the thing to your computer and then make sure the thing doesn't sync anything.  Or all your pirated music will go up in smoke.  Or something.

I updated some of my iOS devices to iOS5 not because I have to but because I can.  I just plugged them in and did something and then something happened--updated iTunes then iOS5, frictionlessly smooth until I wanted to try the iCloud backup which came with 5GB free storage per iCloud id, after that the price goes ridiculously high just like everything that's Apple.  Like most other Apple BS, it simply doesn't work, at least for the first n times.  I don't know why it didn't work the first n times but if I were to guess I would say:  the server had been too busy?  It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  Anyway, after much verbal threats and exposing its suckiness on twitter (see my twitter feed on the right)--, iCloud backup all of a sudden started to work.  I was able to back up my device for free which is all that is important, free as in I don't have to pay.  Not that I really needed to back up anything, I did it because I can and it's free.  I never backup any of my iOS devices.

And oh yeah, like most computer stuff I did, I just did whatever to make it work without knowing how or why. Woohoo.

My first impression of iOS5 is yeah, twitter is now deeply integrated (fb being the illegitimate social bastard doesn't get the deeply integrated treatment in iOS5 and so are all others), just like Android is and gets a bit more or too literal: it actually makes a tweet sound or a whistle when you post a picture which is enchanting and at times annoying or even endangering as your boss doesn't need to hear the tweet sound.  Essentially Apple iOS gets just a tiny bit more social that before.  The new pull down notification is like Android's.  And of course iOS looks a bit more refined in the execution, to me, at least.  Eye candy and all.  iCloud is kind of iffy on the first few dozen tries.  And in the end, to make it really work you need to pay Apple because 5GB is hardly any storage at all--iCloud is very conscientious to remind you your storage is running low and to pay up.

Next: Ubuntu 11.10.

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