Wednesday, January 09, 2008

We Are In A Recession

We are officially heading into a recession in 2008 because Goldman says so. We are all screwed (except the average GS employee who is positioned to earn $600K bonus). Judging from the recent Dow diarrhea and unemployment numbers, we should be afraid, very afraid.

Now back to our regular program ....


  1. so, you need a change, a change that Obama always sell, choose Obama, he will change your D70 into D300

  2. My insipid posts deserve vapid comments like yours.

    What galls me most is why D300, don't you think D3 is better? Don't you think I want a D300 rather than a D3? Just for the sake of bullshitting?

  3. for me or those suckers, D40, D3 or D300 are the same, only with the Icon "Nikon" that can impressed the girl model, so if you want a D3, go for it, Obama said you need a change, then change a new one, see don't you comment on my MV, "2012 WE are ready" ?


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....