Sunday, August 09, 2015

UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Windham 2015

This is one of those sports or should I say extreme sports that I have to witness to believe it.  It is insane.  My pictures don't do justice to how fast and dangerous the sport is.

My legs are gone after shooting the event from 12:30 to 5, the total 6 hours driving to and from Windham doesn't help either.  The environment is just not for an old man like myself.  When compared to shooting track in a velodrome, this is harder.  First the velodrome is very much a controlled environment.  The riders ride in circles and always come back for you.  I am a lazy person so I pretty much pick a spot and stay there waiting for the riders to come to me.  For downhill forget about it, you shoot a sequence and she is gone, downhill, for good.  Navigating the mountainous terrain is a challenge and a hazard for an old man, add two cameras and an assortment of lenses and accessories is almost suicidal.  It is no joke.  I was staggering and tumbling down the mountain most of the time.  The fact that I am still alive is a minor miracle.  I must thank the media room at Windham, especially Penny, for the hospitality.

Photos:  Missy Giove doing her thing.  The album can be found here at Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. 這兩張相靚到絶,真可謂大師級傑作。我睇完又再睇,一共睇了五、六遍了。These two photos are a spectacular tour de force of meticulous technique and solid aesthetics. Sometimes, you might think shooting like a pro is just pie in the sky. Maybe not.


Civil War (2024)

This is basically a Dorothy yellow brick road kind of story.  Also, something to do with the new replaces the old, the circle of life thing....